1984 - 2003 | Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Dept. of
Business Information Technology,Manchester Metropolitan
University Subjects taught included:- Systems analysis & design EPOS/Bar codes Relational databases/4GLs IT skills Unix/Linux Other activities:- Multiple choice testing/OMR forms Advice/consultancy to small businesses Set up and administration of two Unix systems and one linux system, which included setting up an Apache web server system. Development of material for Departmental intranet, including animated GIF sequences as learning aids. |
1983 - 1984 | UK Managing Editor, Database Books
Associates Responsible for compilation of entries for series of technical dictionaries and encyclopedias, including classification system |
1968 - 1983 | Consultant/Senior Consultant,
National Computing Centre Ltd, Head of Information systems, responsible for range of publications and maintenance of databases on computer hardware, software, services, and installations. Undertook successful analysis, design and implementation of system for collection and maintenance of information on computer services, including design of data collection document, pilot study, and design of software using NCC Filetab. Responsible for selection, and implementation of multi-user microcomputer system for technical information storage using the Microcobol language. Assisted on NCC professional courses, inc. Filetab, systems documentation, Systems Analysis & Design |
1967 - 1968 | Technical Editor, Indata
Ltd, This service was the first SDI service for technical information in the UK, and used an IBM 360/40. It went form start-up to break-even in 18 months, but closed when the parent company, a large high-street bank withdrew funding. Its successor was the IEE Inspec service. |
1966 - 1967 | Development Engineer/Technical Writer,
Mullards Ltd (contract), Responsible for core store and associated power supply design and documentation. |
1964 - 1966 | Electronic Instrumentation Engineer,
Cigarette Components Ltd (Bunzl Group), Group electronics engineer, projects included:- Hardwired calculator for mean and standard deviation using currently available logic circuitry Small (5bit) A/D convertor using balancing techniques. Fast-response pressure transducer to detect differential pressures using diaphragm technique and capacitive bridge pickup, for automatic shop floor data collection. Use of relay switching techniques for control purposes Passive filter design |
1963 - 1964 | Development Engineer/Logic Designer,
Leo Computers Ltd, Work on Leo 3, and Leo 3 F (Leo 326) computers included:- Experimental serial access backing store with lower cost addressing circuitry than parallel access stores, using NAND logic Controller for up to six magnetic tape decks for Leo 3, using AND/OR diode/resistor logic |
1962 - 1963 | Electronic Switching Engineer, Pye TMC Ltd, Experimental system for electronic simulation of electro-mechanical telephone switching system |
1960 - 1962 | Graduate Apprentice, Plessey Ltd, Training/experience included:- 3 month production engineering course 4 month electronic switching course 2 month carrier telephony cable laying/testing Telephone switching systems (electro-mechanical) Assembly level programming Projects included:- Control system for carrier telephony crystal oven Passive filter design Relay- based control systems |